Being nothingness and loneliness

Being nothingness and loneliness....
Is very daunting and draining on the soul
But as much it has been... It awakens...
The soul and your heart to the things; that matter, and the fire that you could spark.
But, alas you are all alone and you can't let go. But you must try to go outside into the sunshine and feel the moon beam and the laser light. You could experience neon, but I'd rather not. I just can't with artificial light. You can't hardly begin or start. You must reach zero and worthlessness to find the guiding light of fulfillment. You must
Let go of foolish bitterness and this is an everyday battle because nothingness and loneliness is filled by a greatness. The potential of yours and another. But the many years of no ego will quell your ego.
And you can live this existence.

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