Analyze this

Freud originally distinguished between schizophrenia and paranoia. Schizophrenia was thought to have an earlier fixation point than paranoia, to the autoerotic instead of the narcissistic phase of development. And patients of schizophrenia couldn't relate to the analysts. (Freud 1958).

Doctor Freud, 
Analyze this- Why do I hear my name on the T.V.? Why do I hear my name in songs?
Why do the voices come unusually to me?
Why did I hear my grandma's heart? You can say I'm partly a sociopath. Early autoerotic and why not analyze that? 
You can say that I'm narcissist. You can say I terribly sick and twisted. My ego is out of whack. But I don't truly experience paranoia. So tell sexy Sigmund!?! What did you lack? Was it the foresight of all these complications? Or where you too full of yourself and watching your own ass!?!
Analyze this! I can't get enought of it!
Analyze that! Perhaps I should be masturbating to your ass! Analyze this! I just can't enough of it! Analyze that! I know you are not a quack! 

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