Addiction: For you!

So new... so long former affliction...
So you.... I've heard it all before...
I'm dedicated but out of chores....
I'm through with you.... 
From the conception of this inception....
I run towards the floor and look above...
As gravity takes hold of me...
And pushes me through the floor...
I'm sinking... down... And there's no one around here.... I'm sinking down.... And there's no around... Dear Abbie, What is your advice? To get me through my vice and it lingers all through me... I pass another stage and floor levels to the ceiling... I'm upside down and I'm awake.
I am yoke.... I am woke... I have my Nike and Adidas.... And I'm broke and much like a joke.... I'm serious... I'm on the ceiling holding on to a light fixture that once was above my head and all I can think of is resting my head in bed. Is this a dream, or has time had it's way with me.. Dementia, or drug induced dream.... I need to buy creamy creme for my coffee. And celebrate swiftly in the morning that I am not dead. So goodbye, my friend.
( You were my former addiction )
You were my very best friend!

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