Wait and See

Well, I know from experience
That if you take moments from your life
And let out your exhuberant sigh
And take your troubles 
And leave them behind
This life isn't yours in the first place 
We are given few moments
Where we shine so brightly
And usually we bow to something
Inevitably; in time
My words will live on 
Even if heaven and earth perish
For that is the peril 
Of something I do not charish
Everything is temporary
Even disposable views
The only thing that is permanent
Is what is waiting for you
Wait and see
If you procrastinate
In regards to your faith 
Your love and your passion
Their is something empty and shallow
Waiting just for you
I can not waste my time
Saying the same thing 
Over and over
God will get you 
One way or another
Where you will be bending
Over and over
Monsters will lick you from behind
Clutching and grabbing at your feet
They will choke your life out
And that's what must be waiting for me

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