
They all come out at night
With the whites of their eyes
Glowing at you
With heavily mascaraed eye lashes
And liner with a shimmering lip gloss
Thinking they run the show
They are the CEO
They are the boss
They move so awkwardly 
And just shift from one foot to another
They lost all hope and they are seeing
What's coming for dinner
Or a late night snack
They feed off people
And their breath
Smells like liquor and cigarette
They try to get inside your mind
With deep hypnosis
I don't want their social disease
But they all seem to suffer
From trichinosis
They drink pig's blood 
To prove they are superior
They eat humans like the pig
And can give you ringworm
As they did to the prophet
I was there that day that ended so quickly
Where a young queer was hypnotized
And in this disco inferno
They did not try to stop it
They tried to figure out what was wrong With him
Why he was the way he was
What happened to him
He was not willing to go along with them
He had quite enough of it
They promised 
That they were being concerned
But they were consumed by him
And his fascination with pearl jewelry
And his vintage locket
They tied him to a chair
They turned on the chain saw
And wore animals masks
And covered him in blood
As they would insert vile things in him
And stretch out his body
They hit and beat him
When he woke seeing blood drip 
From his anus 
They claimed they could not stop it.
That this hypothetical friend in question
Probably asked for it 
And Lady Gaga was saint
Right then and there I began to collapse
I actually really did faint
That's my tale
That's my story of shame
I was rapped by devil worshippers
And I'm still alive as of late
I'm not scared of them
And I'm certainly not afraid
I just pray to God, and Jesus Christ, our 
Savior every day
I never ask why
I just do it
I know I'm not possessed.
I still have a libido
But I remember my bruises and scars
When I get undressed
Sometimes I want to celebrate and be silly
I can't 
I get emotional
I get vachlemt
They are animals
Not people
I don't believe they posses feelings
But I may be wrong
It's just the way I am feeling
I'm deeply wounded
And I'm upset
Every time I get undressed

 This is kinda scary and personal
 And not for the young or everyone's eyes
 - but I figured I'd release it 
 if it helps anyone
 Trust it gets better day by day
They are all monsters in disguise
So in doing this with every little song
Or poem, limerick, or sonnet
And rinky- dink little tales about anything
We have the power to stop it
And you can forgive yourself
Forgive them and pray
Including pray for them 
And you will get undressed again someday
And you will be ok

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