Starving Gypsy

I'm waiting for the day
I get to separate myself from others
And live my gypsy way
I'm looking to live a different life
I guess I'll save few pennies and save a bill
Of the sale of bold patterns 
And antique and modern colors
And mismatched fabrics 
I will swallow my bitter pills
And drink my drink
Oh so sweet
I'll be a gyfto
I'll be a gypsy
I'll be stealing bread off the window sills
And wear scarves and layers and hats
I'll be a gypsy and that is that 
I want to live my gypsy way
I just can't stand anymore of this water
Soaked stains on my bed and clothing
I want to retreat and hibernate
And highstep in my boots with fringe
And feathers and coins in my cap 
And on my veils and scarves
I want to live my gypsy way 
Or I'd rather starve 

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