One day at a time

I can completely go to find/
And be relieved I had my mind about me/
I have my beliefs and I had to mine my core/ I've been so selfish and little whore/
I've been so empty and full of shit/
I can't deny my weaknesses/ I cant be bothered with tasks and chore/ I'm too busy being bored/ One day I will snap out of this/ Till then I'm napping and expose all of this/ I'm not ready for more/ One day at time/ I'm taking my life- One day at time/ I'm taking my time/ One day at time/ I'm doing just fine/ One day at a time/ Who are you to criticize/ What weird to you is brilliant to me/ Why can't you see your flaws/ You always think you're right when you're wrong/ One day at a time/ I'm doing better/ One day at a time/ I have my friends and family/ I'm doing so good/ I'm living happily/ I'm thriving in the jarbbled jungle of life/ On this big blue marble/
And I will survive/ One day at a time

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