My only love song

I have to respond to you
I must have responsibility
For what I put out there
For all the love you put forward
You always get it back
It always comes back to me
Love is the only thing
It is for everybody
It is for everyone
Under the sun and moon and stars
For everyone on the planet
To say and show I love you
Is the only way we get it back
You can be tough as granite and marble
And crafted of stone
Rearranged your face with plastic
It's the only way to live on the planet
This is a love song
My only love song
You can seek attention
But when it's negative
Oh how you can't stand it
This is my love song 
My only love song
Now play it loud 
And dance like you're mad
With your loved one
And you will get it back
Drop your defenses
And cope with the madness
We were all told from a little child
That some one will come along to save us
But you must have respect it if you have it
The only way is to have some faith
In the order and nature of our God
This all links us to holy lands and plans
We must save ourselves
And prove to him we are worthy of His love
So express your love and creativity
We do have rights and freedom of speech
It's your intention and your feelings 
Of love that will put you on the path
Of better living and as for the after life
We we all disappear- To the heavens or a world beneath the six feet. Where we are rewarded or punished for our own nature.
We must get it back- LOVE
It is for everyone

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