My blood will rise

I've been wrestling and trying to decide
Whether to be responsible for what I write
It's an artist's quote to disturb the peace
And create a briiiant food for thought
Something that will make you think
I'm tired of the concept of right and wrong

I have to live my life
And find out where I belong
For someone who has such a little life
I have faced so many things

I almost had a wife and a husband
I almost had a child and many friends
I know what's right for me 
And I know what to pursue
I know what is worthwhile

I know I can't pretend
You don't really have a clue

You may not even care
All you seem to do is say how sick I am
And what color is my underwear
The only person that can judge me is God

An entity
The force of good and the light
So bright and you should do right by me
For one day I will go off
Like nothing ever before
And I can't take this anymore

My blood will begin to rise
It will leave droplets in your eyes
It will rain upon your head
It will pour and splatter 
Until I'm dead

My blood will begin to rise
It will stain your pillow
As it soaks your bed linen 
And you begin to weep for me
You may not be concerned
You may have your eyes on other guys
But you will think of me

I may have been a bad boy 
Tried every drug there is 
And I smoke way too many cigarettes
But I lift my head up and try 
To change my life

I am wrestling and changing 
And trying to decide to be in the middle
Of the road or strike balance
Or be rebellious 

And give back tough love
I give good love
I don't hate you
I don't hate life
I want to change my life

So I will try
To be a good person 
But one day my blood will rise

It is sweet 
I have had a taste of it before
But it's nothing like communion
Or confession or opening the door
Of your heart and unlocking the key

The remedy to misery and hopelessness And tragedy

My blood will rise and then you will see
What you have done to me
The feeling will subside 
And time will freeze and go in reverse

The seasons will change
For I am not a martyr 
I'm not even a saint

And my life has been a blessing
And sometimes you made it feel 
Like a curse 
It seems I've always been in pain

And my blood will begin to rise
It's so thick- it makes me weary
I feel so sick like one day soon, I will die
My blood will begin to rise

You don't know of my pain, venom 
Or anger, or my silence 
Or all of my attributes 
Or why I'm always at risk
Or how I'm always in danger
But I'd rather be me than a prostitute
Of the wealthy selling my soul
You are all shook up by what I am saying
I'm not losing control of myself
I worship the Divinity
I worship God and Jesus Christ
I believe in America
I almost want to propose
I'm ready to be a real housewife
A lady of leisure vacationing in Greece
But you don't get my irony 
Or my quest for peace

My blood will begin to rise
And nation of millions will soon follow
You will be become under attack
And there will be no instructions for you
To follow- you will have no where to hide from what you have done to us
I don't wish you death 
One you might even die

We created the most important things
Anything and everything valuable 
And of significance and of beauty
The most classic to the most bizarre
And humourous and modern trends
To the most sublime and the most goofy

You are just arrogant 
And you are looking
To have your way 
You want us to go back to prehistoric 
And the unreasonable days of where 
We were tortured in jail cells and fed lies
And till this day we are still decapitated
And crucified
Bullied and harassed
And I can testify

I have news for you
My words will be resurrected
And they will find their place somewhere 
In the ether and one day soon or inevitably
When you think it's over and it's time
For fun 
You'll see I have truth on my side
My blood will rise

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