In and Out

I'm down on my knees
With knees on the floor
In prayerful position
Forgive me Mighty One
For my transgressions
For my crusade
And my regression
I'm not much of anything
Without you
I say a prayer on my knees
And I do my cross 
In the little box I live in
That I sentenced myself in
I want you to forgive me for my sins
I will repent and begin to flourish
In the community I live in
I have a complex yet simple
Intricate and messy tidy bow
I wrap all things in
I can't live this way 
In arrogance with no hope for solution
And all this pollution with no hope
For resolution even if I live for many days
And years- I can't go to past 
And live in fear
The only one I fear is you
That I've disappointed you
That I have wasted what you have
Given to me
Please forgive me
I will pray relentlessly
Your love has tried to welcome me
And I can't go back
Your love has tried to welcome me
And I will admit for once
What I desire and I lack within myself
I hope you can show me the way
To not ask for much and find comfort
In the skin I live in
And these four walls and four corners 
Of this box I live in
Im taking steps to improve my life
And getting more comfortable 
With my decisions
I have never truly rebelled against you
And I seek your guidance
And your permission
To live my life during your inquisition
Out of the box and back again 
In a box I'll go when I'm six feet under
And the rest only you know
I breathe in and out
Inhale and exhale
Thank you for giving this to me
I love you endlessly

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