I'm talking to you

The hopeless march 
Into the battle
Is not for anyone who can't bare
The sight of blood
We've been lost
And we have been so used
Mistreated and hurt
And starving and abused
I seek shelter for everyone
We won the fight
And now we have you
You don't seem to care about us
We have been so persistent
You don't even get along
Amongst yourselves
You have burned down the bridge 
To the outside world
You don't care about boys and girls
Just the bottom line
How fat your wallet will get
And where you spend your time
How will you be dressed
And who will do your hair
We don't really care
We need help
And now we have you
Doing the usual remedy of comedies
And slapstick screwball snuff spoof stuff
You are a gang of fools
You deal drugs to our youth
You rob money from our pockets
You don't care about your country
You just hand out fliers 
To your next concert or rally
And you just sock it to us
I'm not going after cheddar
Or American cheese
You can keep your gouda and feta 
And tomato salads
I'm not choking on gyros and yogurt
I have my investment in myself
I have my faith in God
What can you say bout yourself
Do you have faith in God
Broken windows
Gates and fences across courtyards
And mice in your rice
And bugs in your bed
And your cheap starter Benz
Dont make your bullshit cocaine habits
Disappear when prostitutes run around 
In havocs and hijabs 
We are all dining on kebabs
I'm talking for all of us
It doesn't matter if you're Muslim or Jew
Black or Latin 
Or you don't know 
Or you are mixed of races and breeds
You can Arab and from the Middle East
You can be a Native American
Your can be a cadet or a soldier
You can be veteran
But most likely 
You are celebrity
A Karen
Or a politician
I'm no one's bitch
I'm a love technician
I'm talking to you

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