I don't know nothing but this

I can assure you that I know nothing,
Even though I have claimed to know 
Myself and my nature
My identity and all these attributes 
And flaws
Even spiritual, or religious law
And I can safely say I know nothing
Because to say more is dangerous
We truly know nothing
And there is a lot of psychology 
And philosophy and humanities
And culture in this all
And roots in Native Culture
And vultures that do pursue us all
And sweet kind appearing people 
That we really have no idea 
What moves them
Or makes them tic
And the same can be said about me or you
But we must promise ourselves this:
To coexist
And maybe we will love each other 
One day
It is God's only wish
But I know this
Try to forgive this
But this truth and we always fail
But the important of this persists
But I know nothing 
Continue with your business
Just ignore everything you feel & hear 
And see
But this is just a dose of reality
We know nothing
I don't either
I'm not that wise
And I won't deceit you
But we must coexist
God hears and sees all
And love one another
And maybe God will believe you

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