The Dove

As I pass the trees; with the freshly 
fallen leaves; that, went from green to brown and then yellow. And as the temperature changes, and the climate
surprises me-Day to day; I, wonder- what it will be like in spring, or even if we will have a summer. Or if we will solve cancer, world peace, or bring an end to hunger. I fathom that these problems are too big, but they have existed even when we were younger.
And like music to a child that never forgets. I havent forgotten and I want to express myself. I don't want to run away and escape. I don't want to commit suicide. I don't want to die. I don't want to
save my fanciest clothes for a wake, or a funeral of some sucker, who was too cowardly to go inside themselves, or look outside and find a reason to live- A reason to live their life. It can be so random, I guess; we have always been the fool, a clown, or court jester just exposed to jokes and ridicule. It's ridiculous. I just want to express myself but that's always too much for you. I can be cruel. I'm not perfect. But I guess that's too much for you. I just want to express myself. Instead of wondering what exactly I do- worry about your self and keep your negativity only close to you.
It can be lonely on this road. It can be homly. I guess that why I say this once.
You need to change your attitude.
You have everything you wished for, and not even that is not enough. You lack as a person. And that is enough for you to change your outlook. My heart is like an ocean of love; that is filled with light, or even thunderous waves; filled from above, and sent to me; by a hummingbird, or maybe really a dove. Pick up a paper -Read! And look at the world around you. It can be an ugly place, but there's still some things that will astound you. Like music, and the arts, whatever your interest or fascination. Trust me- I don't expect that much. This isn't a discertation. Or a notice of ill repute or a scarlett letter branded into your chest or your backside. I just want to express myself and pray a little- this is how I pray. And as I walk and think and chew bubble gum.... I'm not that stupid,  neither are you. Just look internally at your organs and life. Your dreams, your hopes, your biggest fights. Your demons. Your failure to live as you wish, and ask yourself: How did I accomplish this!?! BITCH!!!
I traveled through to my roots. My culture.
My history and even my purported future. 
My weakness, my flaws, and I determined my attributes, which you can agree with, or even deny. I really wouldn't care that much, because I know; what I possess inside, and that is a light. That is a heart beat. And it shines so bright. I express myself. And that is my life. Now with that said; I, do have remorse, and regret, and my own personal constitution. My personal beliefs.
I don't expect you to agree with me for that is the irony of freedom. And personal isms. And beliefs. We might all go hungry soon. Or die on our feet. But we must starve a little and keep moving on our feet.
We all work one way or another so don't judge anybody else just as I don't judge you brother. And I don't judge your sister.
Or child. Or how you live your life.
I've decided to be open hearted and minded. With opinions and a core foundation. And I open the door to strangers and analysis. I'm also careful and I pray to God and the Lord. The Mother of Mothers. But with that said I really have no time for you suckers- Fuck off! If you can't read between the lines. Worry for yourself, and not how I live my life.
I have many accomplishments; which you really wouldn't care to know. You are so full of yourself, and only care to bestow accolades to yourself, and all of your own.
It's pretty classic- yet, modern; almost fashion by now; and almost like the latest trend. But, you wouldn't know by now how to improve your movement towards your destination. How can you change your attitude or self-righteousness!?! Even, If you're dead. It will be to late. And the only legacy we have is how we live our life, and how we treat others. It's too late for lies and apologies. Now, you are dead and I already care for so many others that love and don't treat me this way. I'm never alone. I just had to express myself. Maybe one day you will. You really never really know! I'm expressing myself and I am praying for myself, my family and for you as well. I'm talking silently for you to be touched by a dove, a bird of God's love.
And for you to know; when, I saw that iridescent hummingbird- I thought I saw God. And then I knew inside myself I was gonna pray out loud and whisper on paper even electro space and that is how I defy gravity. When you look back on me, think. And respect I had the courage to do this. I took a look at myself and the world around me. Now I rest well and I'm at peace. I'm much more calm and clear. This is the new life that I have found. The Dove is a symbol of peace and love. It is even biblical. And religious. You can live this way too and it is not a pointless existence.
But a dove also begins to coo and sing bitter and sweet melodies. The tricky part is realizing just as life. All the songs are bittersweet. And that is just as God's love.
To welcome peace- you must overcome an astonishing amount of mess. And you in return will be loved. By me. And by everyone. By God. And perhaps; you will rejoice in ecstasy; as, one day you will have the wings of a dove.

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