Do you remember?

Do you remember the time when I was tied to a chair and force fed? Because I was a picky eater. Then there was Ted. I was fed cereal and it ended up dumped all over my head. I'm Panagiotis and for short it it is Peter. Beaten with switches, belts and hangers. That's what you did to me back then? Do you even remember? Now I'm currently black and blue from the most recent beatings. You compare me to others when that is unfair. You left me alone with monsters but you don't dare remember. Do you even care for me?
Or should I just surrender? You are so cold and angry towards me, and I would say that hurts but I'm used to it, you see I'm used to being hurt and all alone. That's all I've ever known.
Did you forget or do you remember?
Are you upset by the truth?
You don't recall very well the time that this was you? Did you forget? 

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