The inconvenient truth

I can say very much about atonement, and if you think when it comes to saving ourselves from pain and anguish we can only rely on our fire. And it's our honesty, our vulnerability and our stillness that gets us back on track. Some call that God's mercy. Others call that your own resilience but we must try. For all of the sleepless nights. For all of the inconvenient times. It's your choice how you choose to live your life with pain. You can run away countless times. You can try to escape. You can almost be catatonic. You have to own up to the truth. You need to seek help and guidance. You need to live in truth. You can't abandon your problems they will find their way to you. I know first hand and since seeking help. I'm doing better and I'm trying to change my life. Change my outlook. Nothing gets solved with anger. Direct that anger towards yourself. Maybe that will be the only thing that will save you. Nothing is perfect in this world. Neither am I but it's an inconvenient truth that lives deep inside all. May God bless us and have mercy on us all.

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