We are all bound to God

We are bound to God
We are all bound to Jesus Christ
We are all bound to The Virgin Mother
We are all bound to The Holy Spirit
The Holy Trinity
The Almighty
There many who don't believe
There are many who believe in science
Or selfishness and greed
But we are all bound by God
We are all bound to God
We must learn of sacrifice
We must learn of the Bible and Gospel's
We must hear the angels watching over us
And the saints we are named after hear us
We must learn to love one another 
Even if we disagree in what we believe
We are bound by God
We are bound to God
We are bound to Jesus Christ
We acknowledge The Virgin Mother as the most holy of saints 
The mother of mothers
The most beautiful
The holy spirit encompasses us
And we are on the planet to serve God and his will to be good people and try and ask for forgiveness Confess and repent and try to hold on to our faith through troubling times and I admit- I am still a slave... I worship God and pray to him to forgive me 
Please do My Almighty Creator- 
- forgive me for all of my mistakes
I won't repeat them- I must learn to live within my means and never sacrifice my belief in you... I must learn to be a better person and try to not be so consumed by material things and ideal notions... I must learn to give of myself and be more concerned in the present and future.
I must be more considerate to others.
And get off my behind... Although I rested and weary.... I must try to work harder
And not give up on my faith and let my ego preside over my mind and heart God, Jesus will guide me... So will the Virgin Mother... I will make myself sacrifice...
I will be lead to you and I will worship...
I will pray more... I will live a Greek Orthodox Christian Life... I will be more considerate to my family. I will be more open and private to my loved ones and the public. I will lead by example and try my best to be less selfish and I will allow you in my heart and I will make a certain sacrifice. I will let go of my ego. I wont waste my time on this planet. I will try.
I will do this. I will obey your laws. I will live a Greek Orthodox Christian Life.

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