Together and Apart

The eighties was the era where materialistic and naive people rocked the universe. The seventies was so chic and dirty years.The nineties is when we became more aware. And after the millennium- We became confronted with our most scary fears and we changed.
For the better or the worse. The sixties was when people had problems with merely living together. The fifties was the time of Hollywood at its finest. The forties was the era of glamour and fashion.
The thirties we're so dark and hideous.
The twenties were magnifique and ripping and roaring and thrilling. Decades long before and after Christ were dedicated to higher thought and violence. Conquer your thoughts and vile behavior. You can travel to throught time but you must live in yours.
You must take the time to love with your time and others. We will be confronted with another day as the sun begins to rise. 
We will be confronted with another day where Jesus Christ will come and he will put us in our place. We will together and apart for the rest of our days. And in the ground or scattered about we see an after life. We are born to live and then die to live in the after life.

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