The Holy Cross

Jesus died for our sins. Jesus died to save us. Jesus was the most beautiful person. The only way to God is through him. Jesus died on a cross. Next to two people. Only one ascended to heaven. Many years later the cross was discovered - this is what happened. Sts.Constantine and Helen discovered The Holy Cross. The holy cross was buried in the dirt. There was a piece of basil on the land where it was found. It was St. Helen who stated the cross was under the piece of basil. That is what happened. The cross is a symbol of our salvation. The cross has become a fashion symbol. The cross has become whatever it means to each person. The cross is a symbol of our salvation. It is what Christ did for us. And we shouldn't forget- it's nothing compared to what we go through.
He did it for us. May it be everything to you as it is to me. May it be our lesson. That someone suffered for our sins. That someone did that for you and me.

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