Thanksgiving Day ( 11/25/2021 )

Today, I don't feel like another rhyming cliche. I've asked and begged for death.
But I guess I'll die another day. I will fight to stay alive. I will destroy my ego. I will let go of vanity. And suppress my wants. I will even stop my evil personality from coming out. I will go someday and live on my own.
You have provented this for us to stay together in bliss. Snap back to reality, someone else is mad at me- when I defy gravity and educate myself. When I defend myself. I don't feel like another rhyming cliche. To make me feel less than you must be okay. I want you to know I love you, but I cannot live this way. I understand I am not what you expected.
I'm not perfect. Neither are you.
And now we are in this situation.
I don't expect nothing from you.
I don't want anything from you.
I want to be alone.
I want to be buried in the dirt.
With ants marching and crawling up my body. And leaves covering me whole.
All I wanted was a flower petal but I guess I have been to greedy. I won't ask for nothing- not even that petal or a cent.
I will sleep till I'm ready to die.
I'm not sure if you know of this feeling.
Snap back to reality another person's mad at me when I say this. I can't take life for granted- I must endure and celebrate my existence. I'm almost forty- two. My day of birth falls on Thanksgiving day. I hope I make it to see what will come of my prayers. God heal me. I'm truly grateful.
Heal me and destroy my anger.
Destroy my hurt feelings.
I'm giving myself something to live for....
A celebration of my day of birth on Thanksgiving Day.

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