Pray for Victory

Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike. Men have a certain disregard for things they oppose for truly no reason. Men oppose with no intellectual curiosity. Men oppose those who differ from them. Men oppose those who believe in anything grander than their ideas that suffer from poor conceptualization and poor structure.
Men oppose others merely for being.
They suffer from an itus and there is no cure. They suffer from a closed mind a closed broken frozen heart and so much more. They suffer from being trapped in four walls and box and whatever they're familiar with. They suffer from never being to find inspiration and being able to open the door. They suffer more like this than treasure our differences and what you adore. You shouldn't bother but pray for them to be adorned. With gold and precious monies. To collect from every door. From every pocket. From pants and purses that are beaten and worn. They collect from hungry and spoil the rich. They mistreat the poor. The dream is to be affluent and wealthy. They don't care if your black or brown or red or yellow. They don't care if you are poor. They don't care because they are being becoming a minority ever so slowly obsolete. They are becoming what they loathe. They are becoming what they fear. They are men of no God and I could say more. But that appropriately describes their sickness.
We will rise. We will open the doors. We will walk through exuberantly. We will do so much than before. We will leave the door open for others. We stage a celebration. We will do it for four years and another four. Do your prayers and pray for me. There is always hope. There is always hope for four years or eight. There is always hope.

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