No one to me

You have lived a life of privelage 
Don't be so confused
You know the difference
You always boast
Then ghost us 
When we need it most
You seem to think you're smarter
Than everyone else or so you claim
You do math in your head 
And the figures turn out wrong
I guess that's your claim to Fame
You know what you did
You lie to everyone 
And say it's me
You only know what's in front of you
Not of your callous little cold-hearted
Deeds and practices
Your fictious life of Masterful Pursuits
And your weakness is me
That I can see through you 
You are nothing to me
Just a jerk
You are bizarre
And bizerk
You are mad scientist 
Trying to concoct your little theories
But I have a theory 
I wouldn't have beat you down
With weight if you didn't touch me
All the broken doors and bruises
You left me in the house where I tried 
To commit suicide with another person 
Who touched me
And then with our dear sweet advisor
To me you're all the same 
You can try to hold out mother hostage
But one day she will wise up to you
She already did to one
Then what's left is you
And I'll have to apologize to her 
For all of my selfish attitude 

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