Lovely Voulie!

I'm a momma's boy. And I did have the best mother. There's nothing she wouldn't do for her children and her family. She grew up poor, and loved her sisters, and her parents. She sacrificed her education and worked so very hard. She's smart and lovely and has perfect heart shaped jawline and face. She has pretty chestnut brown eyes and thin little lips. She's short and would spank me when I would have my many fits. She would scream and yell at me to clean my room and eat my food and play nice. I'm honest I can be a chore. And she buys me cigarettes. I still have fits over something or another. Sometimes I can be rude. I am trying to be better. I realize we are poor. But on the table there is always food she makes with her tired wrinkled old dry cracked hands. And she has always given us options and choices and even little chores.
My mother is lovely. She usually understands. She deals with my problems.
She always listens to me. And when we argue we usually make up quickly. She doesn't only love me. She equally loves my brother. I don't expect anything else from her. Her looks favor her mother and a little bit of her dad. And her mom's mom. She is my best friend. I couldn't ask for another mother. She can be a little odd and goofy.
Her laugh cracks me up. Her tears make my eyes well up. And her anger frightens me. She is a cleaning and fashion machine. She is lovely. I couldn't ask for another mother. We burden her with too many problems. She never had time for herself. She has neglected herself. Her wants and desires her whole life. She was also a young bride. A young mother. She had to figure everything out by herself. She did also have her mother's help. She also had her sister's friendship. To her father she was Voulie.  Her name is Stavroula.
She is my mother- my lovely Voulie.
Oh what I wouldn't do for you.
I'm sorry for being a burden sometimes.
I love you NO MATTER WHAT.
You are my mother. 
And you are what I am proud of. 
I love you.
It's been a privelage to be your son.
I remember φεγγαράκι μου λαμπρό,
And you are my sunshine - you singing to me. You are my μανούλα. My favorite.
And my lovely Voulie!
I couldn't ask for another mother.
My mother is a sweet and God fearing person. She thanks God for every day, every morning. She has her faith. And she has taught me to believe in Him.
No matter what I am going through.

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