Live to Tell

I don't need to know everything.
There are somethings I'd rather not know.
It's none of my business.
I will hope that as society becomes more invasive and personal and sensitive and nosey. We will have the chance to grow and overcome this. We will stop airing what we eat for dinner and glimpses of our backside. Nothing against beautiful nudity, or the human form. Expressions of love. And human thoughts and perspectives.
Whatever you may adore. Treat yourself with kindness. Treat others as well. We all deserve respect. Stories will always be told. There will always be stories to tell.
We have all been through something.
We are not the only ones.
We have all been through something.
We cannot allow others to suffer for us.
We must live to tell. We must end suffering. We have all been through pain.
If we don't- We will go through this again.

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