Koifish and Seashells

On an Autumn day in the afternooon, around noon a boy was born. His parents were overjoyed considering this new young precious man was their first born.
The mother gave birth were no drugs, there was no fancy equipment. It was another time. When they returned home;
they baby in a cute emerald green onesie, and plum brownish taupe overalls was put in his wooden crib. He was covered in his blanket with koi fish and seashells. It was a pale tangerine color. 

The mother, Chrysanthemum, was worried. How was she supposed to care for a new born. How do you give a baby a bath. How do you make a meal for a young one. It was all too much for her. She was in a loveless marriage. She was married off at a young age to someone; who, just used her- for his own climbing of social circles.

They were both poor and not wealthy but Chrysanthemum had two more acorns than him. John, the father, wasn't a good husband or father. He had girlfriends. 
He cheated on the overwhelmed Chrysanthemum, day and night.
Soon after 17 months another child was born. This time a girl. Her name was Petunia. She was the most adorable little girl and quite clever. The firstborn's name was Jon Paul.  

It was to the outside world what seemed like an happy little family till one day a sickly and homesick Chrysanthemum
passed away. The cause of death is and was unknown. John was a tradesperson.
He worked with his hands but he didn't have loving hands to take care of children, so he did what he knew best. He sold his children to wealthy couple without kids.

At first it was frightening as to how many tears fell on their pillows. All the children would do is cry for their mother. No one knows what mothers go through to raise their families. And Chrysanthemum went through a lot. The children had a bond with their mother. They had an absentee father that cared more for cigarettes and livations more than his own family.

After all he sold his flesh and blood.

Petunia and Jon Paul were both very different people. But they had one thing in common they both lost their mother. The wealthy couple just piled on chores and work for the children to do every day and nights were difficult at their home.
Jon Paul and Petunia could never sleep.

They didn't have even a picture of their mother. But, at night something would happen. The closed windows would open and the lights would be lit. They would see their mother talking to them and telling them; that they will be fine. They must stay resilient and learn as much as they can about life. To pray and to be kind. They would never tell a soul about their encounters with their mother. Until one day they went to church for confession.
They both told the priest. The priest said they are seeing their mother as an angel.
Their mother loved them very much and to 
pray to God. Because God is in their presence or the other way around. Because this is something of a miracle.
There are many forgotten children who don't have their families and they are fortunate.

"Why can't I?", said Petunia.
"Because for everything there is a reason."
"There is a feeling, a cause.", said Jon Paul.
"And there is an effect." 

Ignoring him Petunia travelled to her place of birth and visited the place she was born. Jon Paul came with to make sure she was safe. Then suddenly; at the center of town, they ran into an old man. He told them stories of olive trees and animals.
And said their mother was a very difficult person to live with. They were immediately offended. They didn't know who this person was but it was their father.
It dawned upon them while travelling back.

"It's always strange the way men look at things!", said Petunia.
"How dare you!?!", Jon Paul replied.
"I don't agree with him!", He continued.
"The most vicious monsters in life are people!", Petunia stated; matter of fact.
"I miss our mom.", They both said.

Upon returning to their shared bedroom.
They waited for their nightly visitation of their mother. She told them to ignore their father. And that after their outrage from his comments- he was struck by a heart attack. And to go to his funeral.
They agreed and went. They didn't want to be there but there they saw Chrysanthemum's mother- their grandmother. She took them to her house for some tea and outside of the little house. In the backyard they saw koi fish and seashells. They were instantly reminded of their mother. The grandmother, Iris, gave them each their baby blanket. They both had koifish and seashells. One was a pale tangerine. The other a pale violet. Iris told them that she had made them for them before they were born. She did not speak ill of their father.
And she told them stories of their mother.
She asked them if they would live with her.
And they both decided to stay with Iris.

They lived happily ever after.... And they confessed that they would see their mother at night. Grandmother, Iris, told them the same thing the preacher told them. That Chrysanthemum was an angel on earth and in heaven. And that she has had a hard life. That she sacrificed so much to give birth to them- to be a mother, wife and good daughter. They no longer had visitations from their mother. 

But at night they would dream that Iris, Chrysanthemum, Petunia and Jon Paul would dance all together waving their seashell and koi blankets in the backyard, with the real koifish and seashells.

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