Inside my mind

Yes, I have disdain for myself.
I don't try to hide it.
This is my confession of what's inside my mind. I can't run away. I have no where to hide.....
I've done crack cocaine. It's so insane.
I've done crack and it's whack.
I've drank so many drinks and smoked 
So many cigarettes. I do lack in many a way. I do have problems. It's crazy.
I'm ashamed. I can't blame another.
The things you do when you're in pain.
Causes so pain to your mother.
I can be a problematic bitch.
I have had so many disposed of lovers.
I've had trouble keeping friends.
I scare them off. Whoa! It's crazy.
I can't blame another. I got off. I'd explode.
I can't release another load of of burdens to my mother. My problem is that I'm honest, and I cannot harness the energy from the light. I say I am a good person- I do have some good inside me. I need help inside my mind. I need to abandon my troubles that reside inside my mind.
I'm so ashamed. My fucked up brain
I do need a hobby. I can't run away.
I don't need to party. I'm so ashamed.
I can't blame another. I can't burden my mother with my troubles. And that is the end of the tale of misguided lowlife.
A carefree sucker in the game of life.

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