I turn to You

This year has been a great year for me. I have been in contact with family. I have forgiven and forgotten. I have dealt with personal issues.
I have simmered down and when I get explosive- I write. I have written over two hundred pieces of me and I feel whole. I feel complete. I have purchased trinkets to spoil myself. I have been less greedy. I have prayed day and night and forged new friendships.
Although few of them have been seedy.
I did not conform or change my perspective.
I have spent time on a lonely road. Throughout time I have learned and evolved. Even in an institution of learning; I had yet to learn about spiritual matters, that haunted me. I learned to turn to The One and Only. I say Amen. Thank you! Hallelujah! May I be a little light like a firefly or candlelit serene fire as I progress.
I say Amen. Thank you. Hallelujah. I confess my sins and repent for them. I turn to God and I'm not as lonely. I may be a little vain still and pompous. And I feel less homely. I try to be a good person and let go of things effecting my conscienciousness.

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