Forget me

If you forget me
You can travel through out my life
Where I was near the plains and hills
And I ate olives and spinach and pears
And peaches and peas

I was friends with Dorothy
I was scared of Larry
And I went nearby where every door
Was broken by others
I hid under my covers
I layed on the floor 
I was choked and strangled
I was tied up up
I was covered in blood
I was covered by spots 
From the candle light flickering on my skin
I was frighten and I confessed 
I confessed all of my sins

He wore a mask
The other wore a collar
The other wore a baseball cap
The other wore an apron

You can go to the mountains
Where I have roots
To the railroad where I saw my first person
Die and I didn't cry- I was in shock
My grandfather, the one I'm named after
Died a week later
So did a great uncle
I didn't know what it meant

And when it's my turn
Don't cry just try to forget me
It's not my turn yet 
Just promise not to cry
Just try to forget me

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