
Everything is always happening to you
Everyone is always talking about you
However there are people starving for food
The world doesn't you a favor
Everything is not bout you

Everything is what gives you life
To make it to the next day
And put your bittersweet feelings aside
And that is life

The only road we've ever been down
Hate and regret and people with frowns
Socialite divas with children off to war
Homesick fathers & widows 
Without a crown

And that is life
That is history
The road we've only been down
It all lies in your perception
Do you want to be a victim of deception
What about the things you stole
God is everything- So is love
Who will save your soul

That's my only declaration
Hurry up and capture this in a photo
All I know every person was created equal
We all have rights and decisions
To live with along with our fellow man
And consequences 
That we must understand

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