Beautiful and Grande Idea

I have been to Greece and lived in America
I have seen so many things, from a trail of 
Flowers to beautiful hummingbirds.
I've lived through wars, and seen motherless children. I lived through anthrax and Covid and diabetes.
A abnormal small unfunctioning kidney.
I've been through so many things.
I can't talk about them over and over.
I see a new leaf. A new flower. A new hummingbird. A new species. I'm a new human being. I'm a person of faith.
A person with beliefs. I hope you see the best in me. I have been through trials.
I have been imperfect. I don't judge it's not God's way. I don't listen to gossip.
I'm not concerned with celebrity. I'm not concerned with reality T.V. I have seen the dumbying and decay of society. I still believe there is hope. We must turn to God. We live in the land of the free.
We are so blessed to be here. On this occasion of democracy- at it's finest and most importantly. We are a land of hope and freedom and equality. We are a land of prosperity and virtues. We have the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. The Constitution. Rolling hills and meadows. Rivers and lakes. Mountains and desert. Oceans and beach. We have all of The Creator's beautiful vision. The architects of our land made it possible for all of us to dream. Eat and sleep comfortably. This doesn't mean we won't struggle but we will live our dreams most certainly and eventually we will be content with what we have. And we will be grateful for the day. We won't struggle any longer. And we will feel complete and blessed and eternally thankful for our blessings. We must not confuse other men as ourselves. And other lives as our own. We must not confuse tragedy and violent acts as symbol of ourselves. We have lived through many a tragedy. We were poor and starving. We were hit by plains. We have seen mass shootings and disease. Famine and more than poverty. We have been through so many things. We have seen ourselves out of slavery. We have seen women vote. Civil rights and Gay people marry. We have seen so many things.
Let these words carry you into a new way of thinking and live by them. Let this new day be a blessing. Hope is our only hope.
Love or lovely or loving is the only way to be. And Free is the only way to be.
Equal is the only thing we are.
And America is the beautiful and grande idea- this is the only place for you and me.

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