Another book

We have had better angels on our shoulder. And we have lifted mighty boulders up the hills; we couldn't climb.
We have taken so much of the growing
plants and herbs and animals. Including their hide. We can paint ourselves with crayons or berries and adorn ourselves with furs and what we do is a crime.

We have let our relationships to travel through the internet. We have lost our handwriting skills, and we play with selfies and filters and social media. We do this always everytime. With each new technology, there goes another book.
It's such insanity. Here comes a new star.
And here is all this mania. Every generation has something like this.
With each new partner or the one we have chosen to love, we are all getting divorced.
It's such a crime.

No one asks for this. No one resolved their problems like this. We can take all our phones off the hook. It's a curse- And there goes another book. We don't write love letters anymore. We don't care about our neighborhood stores and businesses.
We don't mind our business and gossip.
It's such a crime.

We don't support our neighbors.
We just recognize differences.
Yes, we are individuals.
And most really clueless about life.
And all matters of their religion.
Our their country. Or their native homes.

The children sing the new songs of hope.
While the old and feeble struggle but dance in the streets. Yes- We do have similarities. We are no better than the other and when we think we are- it's such a crime. We no longer have relationships.
We no longer have books or education.
All we have is natural disasters and mass shootings and murder and starvation.
And I can't stand it. It's such a crime.

We should care about the planet and celebrate life.

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