All I have

Would it be profane if I told you I was  strange. Would be insane if I told you I'm loco. Can I proclaim my independence and virtue. My character is soilent. I have been so ill tempered and rude. And greedy and I have used many a trinket and drug to make it through the day. I have used so many lovers. And at the end of the day- I was used abused and blue. Black and bitter. Consumed by magic and poison perfume and ideas Ive given birth to cheer me up- I was another guy. I got fed up. I switched my gender. I dressed up. Here comes another lie. I stole a pencil and eraser. A post- it note and a close friends guy. Even a family member's. I was such a miserable vile man. I lost my mind and my friends. I've been searching for them and some new friends. All I have is my honesty. All I have is my dreams. All I have is my faith. All I have is my fall from grace.
I don't want you to be confused. I don't want you to be abused. I don't want you to steal another guy. I don't want to follow my steps in to lunacy and doom. I just want you to try- write a story, a song or a poem.
Paint a picture, read a book. Take a snapshot of a thing of nature or a place in time. Would it be profane if I said I was abused. Would it be insane if I told I was silent. I learned my lesson. All I have is you. And I say Thank You. All I have is my little prayers and borrowed time. I can't live life in misery. I can't be plotting the next best thing. I can't look forward for another thing or reason and rationalize my mistakes. I can't fall into depression. I can't fall into mania. I can't let anxiety rule.
I can't overeat. I can't smoke my cigarettes to the end of days. I have to be much better than I was before it's too late.
I even got violent to defend myself.
I protected my mother and my self.
We were hiding from a troubled guy.
With knives and mean foolish bravado.
We escaped and forgave each other.
We survived to live and tell. We survived 
For another day of life. Life can be so hard.
All we need is understanding but it is so hard. It's difficult. All we have is love.
All I have is a little time. All I have is my story. All I have is my two hands and my feet. All I have is my journey. All I have is you. And I say thank you. You are blessing.
I have faith in you.

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