
I just want to say thank you for your concern and support and love and friendship. Times can be tough sometimes, but with healing and recovery and faith we will be happy and prosperous again. There are no goodbyes just I will always see again. Be good till then. And know that God is good. These times as in every generation there is an evil. Illness, famine poverty, disenfranchisement, marginalization, and random acts or cruelty, stupidity, and planned attacks of violence. God has seen us through these things. And he will always continue to do so. The world will always exist maybe not as we know it. But it will. Just as we are not always as we once were- change is inevitable and throughout time and our mere existence only love survives. God is love. The tear or smile of your child or mother. Your loved ones laugh or your passion in nature.
So have faith in something that will survive the test of time.

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