The world doesn't owe you any favors

The world doesn't owe you any favors;
Like you have nothing better to do;
Than complain about life is unfair to you;
You always subtract when you should be;
Adding for the things; you're grateful for;
You are lacking in humility and respect for what is free without any cost to your wallet; It's a shame- you're shoppiholic.
The world doesn't owe you any favors; You can desire what you like, but that doesn't mean you get to have what you like; Everything doesn't need to be superhuman,
Supersonic or mechanical and robotic;
The world doesn't owe you any favors; just enjoy the simple pleasures and enjoy this big grande show, that we call this little life; The world doesn't owe you any favors;
Just enjoy the simple things, and the world will seem like enough for you and me...
Put out and you will receive what you put forth; and it will continue, till the masses rejoice and celebrate- in appreciation in;
What we have been gifted and treat it like it's gold and precious. So precious! 
We only have one to thank and hopefully it'll be around for the offspring of the people and creation will flourish.
Don't forget to treat it like it's gold...

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