Panick attack

I breathe
I pant
I let it all out
I feel my panick attack feels like
A heart attack
And I'm sobbing
I pray 
I shout
I bitch
I whine 
I moan
I feel weak
And then something comes over me
Sir Lord have mercy on me a sinner
I'm showed love and support
After few Tylenols and water
I think I'll have a little late night snack
I already had a light dinner
I just pray I won't be as selfish 
And I'll be more patient
I can't only think of myself 
When my family is totally decent
I need to try harder to be positive
And optimistic
I need to pray more and release my stress
I can't be so basic
I need to smile more and be productive
And proud of the progress I've made
And trust me I do thank God
I do Iove my mom
My entire family
I know I have support to feel better
Although it can be tiring
On all those other people
I don't even know what I put them through
I have to be understanding of them
They need to be understanding of me
And hopefully we will be tight like glue

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