Pamela and Chris

I have two little cousins/ Their names are Pamela and Chris/ One is charming and and charismatic/ The other is beautiful and a princess/ The are so sweet/ They are so loving and kind/ They are so wonderful/ They are the greatest kids/
What's up bro and awwwwww love u so much/ my little buddy/ you know lol/
Emojis and hugs and kisses/ They are my favorite cousins/ One is so basketball, Jayson Tatum, and Mortal Combat and the Celtics/ And the other loves make up, animals, and dresses/ I'm lucky to have them in my life/ Who knows where our friendship and family will lead us/ but I know this for sure/ They are the best and one day I will need them/ To probably push my wheelchair or help me with my walker or cane/ They'd probably volunteer/ And if they needed me to do the same for them/ They wouldn't need to explain/ I love them so much/ They are my little buddies/ They both so amazing/ I wouldn't know what to do without them/ They are growing into very fine human beings/ They are just so sweet.

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