Molestation & Rape

Don't know if this was a bad dream
Don't know if it's meant to happen to me
Don't know if I asked for this
Don't know who molested me
Years later I was date raped
Can't say I copied with it very well
Now I remember who touched me
And all the words he said to me
I want to light my body on fire
Cleanse my self of any impurity
I don't have anyone who'll listen
Except The Divinity
I do my cross and respect the Holy Trinity
I don't have anyone who'll listen 
Except my mother 
And I'm sure I'm driving her crazy
I don't want to be an added problem
I wish I was just normal
Whatever that means
And regain sanity
My punishment is that I'm not a victim
I must stay strong or be a silly weirdo
That no one believes
This is what is wrong with this
This is what's wrong with me
Oh please forgive me Father
I don't know what to do
With what I am going through
Even I question but I hold on to my faith
And belief in you 

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