Im granted my favors

I sip on my brew 
I add my novelty flavors
I sip  and I sip 
I pass the time
With my cigarette

I sip and contemplate my youth
I count the times I went wrong
I count the times I didn't belong

I sip on my brew
I add my novelty flavors
I sip and use my three wishes
I ask for my three little favors

I sip on my brew
I sip and I savor
And I contemplate life
Im granted my favors

I have a thought 
That I should be moving
I begin to walk around
And I begin to savor my life
Much like my brew and my cigarette

I think that I have been down this path
Before in an another life
Where I was force fed such things
And I truly beg your favor
Help me quit this insufferable behavior

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