You could be

You could be a better person than you were before in your manners and your speech. You could be a better version of yourself- personally I think; you can do it.

You can be lonely person and take out your viscous venom and cry your crocodile tears to anyone who will listen but that won't earn you respect from little ole me.

What you forget I know you for a fact.
Inside out and completely.

You can drop your self defenses and you wound up massive guard. If they knew you were hurting so badly only if they've seen your battle scars. Life is yours and you live it. It is really you. You leave nothing behind other than how you lived it. And how you treated people like fools. You can treat others more carefully. And know more than the person you call your nephew. 

It doesn't pay to be sell your soul for every dollar that you lack. It doesn't pay to give away your virtue. You will see. Your choices aren't coming back. God will inevitably catch up to you.
He will catch up to me. 
And all of you. You could be a better person but we will be groveling on our knees.

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