
I'm not a thief of hearts,
I don't always attract others my way.
I can handle rejection, and leaps, and bounds. I had an identity theif steal my face. They stole money and used them all.
I'm really not like that- I'm not that greedy!
I almost lost my place and certainly I disappear. I hide under my covers at night.
I sleep and sleep for few dreams that constantly haunt me. I'm trying my best.
My craft is simple, I'm plainspoken- all my work maybe mediocre. All signs point that I'm creative and that I'm flighty and nervous, stressful and tad bit unhinged.
I could be your best friend. Your perfect spouse, parent or nothing at all if you hurt me. My words are simple. I'm careless with grammar. What I do is modern.
Classic and simple. It may be all so pointless and stupid. There's nothing more to emote about my feelings for you.
You even think you tricked me. You don't call anymore. I've been rainbow high and maxed out financially. I don't own anything of mine. But I have few things I've worked.
I don't have many finer things. I have the taste and the eye. I could have it all.
My dream is to survive. Thrive. Then I feel the throb. The ache. The pain. The tide pulls me into you. The throb of ocean crashes me to another shore. I'm sure I'll die. I'm not a thief of hearts. I'm not a their at all. I asked God for forgiveness. My things there blessed and all. I drink my holy water. I have a spoon of holy oil. I take my communion. And rub the miro all over me. I eat the blessed arto and andithero. The pulls me into you. The throb of the ocean crashes me from shore to shore. This is my punishment. I'm looking for a home. A sanctuary. A home of my own. Where is my paradise? Or is it lost for good? This is my punishment. I may not be welcome. Who knows if His Mercy will be bestowed upon to me- I do pray, but I am a sinner- It's only his choice. I spent my life with him. And him alone.

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