
Is it better to be culturally correct and say all paths lead to God and the light or better to have faith in your own personal faith? I'm not quite sure what the answer is yet. I know the answer culturally and religiously. But spiritually for me the answer is unknown. Been on a long hard road at looking at myself in the mirror and in today's day and age you run the risk of offending every and any one. But better to risk it all for your beliefs rather than not at all. God is Agape. God is Eirini. God is Eleos. And although we are not to judge. Those who reject His son as our savior and practice pseudo spiritual nonsense of cancelling out Good and and Evil to elevate man and his value to Earth will be punished. Not by me. But by the power and force and law that gave him life and worthlessness. It is only up to you to prove yourself worthy for His love, peace, serenity and mercy. I am flawed, I am not always worthy. I am in a constant state of whirling and praying, and chanting to ask for forgiveness.
I am fasting and wearing prayer bracelets. And taking holy water and holy oil. And taking the miro on my aching body and spasms of head.
Still, I don't know what is enough to prove myself. But slowly slowly I feel better. And my burdens become lighter and bearable. Without a ritual and cleansing there is no profound catharsys. If you have no personal belief what use are you to fellow man only to be politically correct. And as we all now the politics of the day change like seasons and what purpose do we serve if all our choices were made hastily
by opinion or fashion or trends that are forever fleeting.

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