The Rapture

I'm in my own universe
Just a small paradise on earth
And it is the only one I call my own
It is truly my home
I travel outdoors 
And I unearth things to unravel
And await my own rapture
I try to capture my inner song
And I study the written psalm
And I found the place where I belong
I'm in a universe where we cannot think for ourselves
The irony is we can no longer be ironic
We can not share ideas or personal thoughts
We can not agree to disagree
Everyone is their own personal hell
They are in a state of panic
Everyone is complaining
Everyone is frazzled and frantic
But see this is what happens to everyone
When you live like you won't face your own rapture
Try to relax and enjoy the ride
Try to live like every moment is your last
And be happy that you're alive

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