Living Proof

I may have been raped by the devil,
Today is a day of clarity, I've made my mistakes with others. Ive never done the same that happened to me. I wash it way; Like a scar. It doesn't fade or go away.
I must learn to live with it, somehow; And not let it define me or my worth. I have to change for the better. I'm not looking to be better than anyone. I want to enjoy the simple life. And give many thanks to the Lord. My savior. I'm grateful for the world I live in and my family. I'm grateful for my faith and my religion. I've learn how to pray
for his mercy. Nobody's perfect. I hold no resentment. From now on my days are spent splendidly- I thank God and the The Holy Mother. The Holy Spirit and my incapacity to be touched by them. I was unable to be the perfect vessel for his word. I may have been touched by evil as well, but I'm living proof. You dust off your shoes and lapel. You wear your suit and your cap. You live and you realize only God has your back. 

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