Im parched

Piercing my ears was very symbolic,
I barely drink and I'm not an alcoholic,
I do smoke cigarettes, I'm trying to quit,
Another person hurt me, I am used to it,
I'm not the master, I'm not the smartest,
I'm not always good with words, but atleast I am honest. I'm looking for jewelry with meaning and something that can protect me. I don't know if I should continue searching and finding things out of my budget. I keep saying I'll let go of my materialistic ways, but I struggle to make that happen on this the most glorious day. 
I wear my cross I don't need another.
I wear my koboskini and few other pieces.
I'm looking for my one and done set of earrings. And I keep falling to pieces.
Some say a simple hoop. Or stud. But I am a little extra. I don't what it should be. I'm hella of mensch. I hope I find what I'm looking for and my thirst shall be quenched. 

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