I was raped by the devil

I was raped by the devil.
He molested me on sesame street sheets.
He took me into the underworld. 
All I would see is fire and evil. 
And then it would start to happen to me.
I would see black and red.
Another pin prick of blood for me to drink.
I was raped by the devil.
I was only five.
I can barely remember.
I've put every face I have ever seen.
On his body.
He would pull my ear.
But then again, so would my priest.
I was raped by the devil.
I don't know if I'm an abomination.
A little mix of a boy and a girl.
That can't transition.
Because I have too many problems.
I was raped by the devil.
I try to make new acquaintances.
But they always leave .
They all say I'm crazy.
Or I'm the devil myself.
They used to call me a model.
And now I'm a pariah.
I was raped by the devil.
And no one believes me.
They performed an exorcism.
They even hypnotized me.
They don't care about you!
And they don't care about me!
The devil raped me!
I was raped by the devil.

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