
Heaven is place on earth and it named Greece/ It was inhabited by the Hellenes.
Mystic polytheistic ones who believed in deities/ And The divine deity/ Many tongued nomadic tribes and civilization/ Kings and queens and anemone flowers and olive branch wreaths/ Flower petal and pearl and shell crowns and tiaras./ Art and jewelry/ Ancient man has contributed so much more than the modern one/ Relevant ruins come alive/ There all there/
Complex and simplistic columns/ Science and Mathematics/ Philosophy and architecture/ Mythology/ All live in my land because of Greece/ It is such a vivid dream/ Beautiful faces/ And water and sun/ It is something believe- it's called filotemo/ Greece is something from a dream/ It's somewhere you belong/ It is my other home/ And I do belong/ Greece is something from a dream/ It is heaven on earth/ It is heaven/ I may be Greek- American/ I do live the dream/ I have beautiful freedom and rights/ That belong to me/ America has become a deceitful parade and fashion show/ The poor fight amongst themselves/ People with no names or faces always on the go/ They fight another's war/ While bloodshed and massacre is on the streets/ Greece may face many hardships/ but it's still heaven to me/ Whether you are Greek or a tourist you will one day see/ I have located heaven/ It is Greek to me/ What I don't know I will discover in Beautiful Greece! 

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