You can Fuck off!

You can Fuck off
You don't deserve my kindness
You can Fuck off
You don't deserve me at my worst
You can Fuck off
You don't deserve me at my best
You can Fuck off
You are tired of my sickness
You can Fuck off
You are a waste in the world
You don't like me when I'm pretty unique
You don't like me when I'm butch and manly. You can Fuck off. You'll never be satisfied. So why go on pretending that you are a good person. You believe in God and Jesus, yet you judge. You judge and have a comment to say about everybody.
You can Fuck off! Yes! You! You can Fuck off. Just like you don't care for me. I don't care for you! I'm tired of your mood swings and your attitude. You just want to live in pretty pictures and a bubble. Life is not a dream. It's time for you to wake up! And maybe you will see you're in a fuzzy, cozy, little dream. I am the change I want to see in the world. You can't let go and that is your own problem- you can Fuck off! 

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