We are finally free

The less time you have for pety little things. The older you become, it's so unsettling. Your view on the world has become so different. The change in your psyche is so unsual. Hey you, it might just be me; but you have changed. What say you bout your tomorrow. We all can't be the same. I encourage individuality.
Freedom of expression. Freedom of Speech. I encourage unity. Freedom from the government and equality. The older you become you've grown to be so different from me. We grew apart and I can't stand to see, you waste your time with frivolous things. We all do from time to time. But it's time to hold on the more valuable key. To my heart and understanding. Not only mine but all of humanity. We fought so hard so you can't play the victim no longer. We are finally free. The choice is yours, my dear of sad or happy. It's battle within your mind. We fought so hard. You can't no longer play the underdog, or victim. We are finally free. Please, just stop being a frivolous queen. I don't care about your shirt or shoes or your glitter sunglasses and monacle. Clothes don't make the man, or woman. 
We are finally free.

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