Joyful human being

The human state is hard to achieve.
And I won't let that stop me from developing into a more joyful human being. Happiness and Sadness is a choice.
The choice is up to me. What road will I follow. Oh to be a more joyful human being. To be fully human- you must go beyond the merely human. Joy is the divine. Always! Celebrate and rejoice! Nothing can stop me and you. I can't stop the feeling. This feeling can't be beat. What path will you take? There is no judgement. What scripture will you follow. Listen to your heart, my dear. Invite him in. Joy and feelings of bliss are waiting for you. You can fly and touch the sky and fall into the plain field of grass and flowers. You make me feel real. And everything that has come to pass and encompasses all of you is hurt, everything that seemed to me dark, harsh, shameful, maimed, ugly, irreparably damaged. Is in Him transformed. Joy is the Divine! Always! Celebrate and rejoice! Nothing can stop me and you. I can't stop the feeling. This feeling can't be beat. And in Him, I recognized as a whole person. A being as lovely, and radiant in His light, We awaken as the beloved. In every last part of our body. I am not a preacher or a friar or a monk. I am no better than you, and in this you can trust. This is made for every one-  any one! If you were made that way for the kingdom of heaven or by and from the mother's womb. And accept it. Joy is the Divine!  Always! Celebrate and rejoice! Nothing can stop me and you. I can't stop the feeling. This feeling can't be beat. And be a joyful human being to experience the divine state of bliss and feelings. We were made for this. I'm still on my journey to achieve more of this. I hope I am fortunate and I find this in my life. I know I'm feeling right. Joy is the Divine!

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