In the end

Most people want you to join them in their own pity party. You must keep your piece of mind. Walk in the opposite direction.
They make feel like what you've done is a crime. Find your own tribe. Make your own family of friends. Know it's gold and your worth. It's worth it in the end. Most people are self absorbed. What you do is strange to them. They don't know any different. Their views are limited. A life without arms being open. You can change and evolve. You may change a heart or two. It all depends on the climate and their opinion of you. You know you have conviction and integrity. You are whole, they really lack.
In certain qualities.  Not saying to give up.
I'm not saying to throw them away. If they don't want to understand you. You can make a change. You can start again.  It's your life and you live it. Don't judge them poorly. We are all quite used to it. This is the nature of family. They all have something to say. They make comparisons. If it's not what they would do. They view strange. They are consumed by bitterness and they are insecure. You remind them what could been. Their heart is like a closed door. Find your own tribe. Make your own family of friends. Know it's gold and your worth. Don't be consumed with hate. Its worth it in the end.

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