Healthy ways

People think I'm crazy, that I live for attention. They don't have any business, they never mind their own. People think I'm lazy, that I live for relaxation. They don't have any business. They never mind their own. They think I live in the past, and when I was very young- they weren't in my life. I'd love to disown them all. But, I may be to hasty and I may be wrong. People think I'm crazy, that I live for attention. They don't have any business- they never mind their own. I'm too busy soul searching. And I do question do they even have soul. I've been tied up in shackles. I've been a club kid dancing till the break of dawn. I've been a remidial worker, I've even died few times, om. But I keep on coming back to my original time line. In the multiverse. I've died a thousand times. But atleast I try to live a glorious life. This has nothing to do with glamour or any so called vanity. We all try to live in one nation under God in unity. You're so busy looking at everyone else and me. You are very simple- you are jealous and you can't stand the fact that you want to compete. There is no competion or race. We all resist division.
 We are the human race. No, I won't show my ass anymore. I have had an experience. I will do my best to craft plenty more. And I promise to express myself in healthy ways.

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